Huckleberry Finn Reflection

            The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is about a teenage boy who  learns about his life and finds himself. This character is name Huck. In the beginning, Huck had the mindset of being wild and uncivilized. Despite everything  his caretakers tried to do help tame Huck, Huck had his mind set on how he wanted to behave. In a sense Huck was careless and just wanted to live his life. He did not have a mother nor a father, although his father was present. He did not have a real father because the father he did have was abusive and didn’t want the best for him. As the story continues,  Huck goes on a journey with Jim down the Mississippi River, where he seemed to have learn how to be compassionate. Considering it was just the two of them together, he had to trust and learn to care about Jim’s feelings.
           To reflect upon Huckleberry Finn I can honestly say I leaned a lot of life lessons throughout this book. Themes such as slavery, superstitions, and living life to the fullest helped shaped this book and defines why it it the greatest piece in American Literature.  It touched bases on the name calling and how African Americans were viewed during this time. I learned that Huck is not a bad person. He just has his own set of guidelines that he follows. He was hard to persuade and typically went about doing things the way he wanted to, and in some cases this is a great way to live. Overall this book has multiple life lessons and educates about the past. It it an amazing book and I would highly recommend it!


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