Blog post assignment 2 : Describing myself as a writer

 I'm not abysmal in writing. I consider myself an okay writer. When I can't think of any topics or more sentences to say to complete a paper, I manage to push through and find something. Unfortunately I write really small and I hate capital letters. This is a downfall to me because sometimes when writing a paper, I forget to capitalize certain letters. When writing I can improve on details. It is simple for me to create a topic, the problem is finding enough supporting details. I don't know how to go into depth very well, but I am hoping this A.P class will help me with this problem. I also need to improve on sentence fluency. Sometimes I get confused on how to start my sentences off. I have problems remembering what you can't start your sentence off with. I plan to eliminate everything I struggle with in writing by note taking. In the past week I have learned more about writing. This class pushes me to study. I will ask questions and make sure I have a complete understanding. The strength I have in writing is proper grammar. When writing a switch comes over me and I talk extremely proper. Not only because I want a good grade, but because it's just certain things you can and cannot say when writing. In conclusion, I have a few problems when writing and I plan to correct them through the help my English teacher and studying.


  1. Very good Maurice. I understand why you hate capital letters. I like your strength about proper grammar. Grammar sometimes bother me when I write because I keep getting some error when I write. I also hope that my English teacher can help me correct my writing so that I can get better at it as well.


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