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The Color Purple

              Firstly, The Color Purple is an amazing book/movie. Although the movie and the book are fairly similar, it is clear to see the differences between them. For example, in the book Celie wrote to God and expressed her deepest of feelings and secrets. However, in the movie her writing letters was not evident. The book seems to give more details and has very descriptive scenes where as the movie is not as detailed. It seems to move at a faster pace and skips over some things mentioned in the novel           Overall The Color Purple is a great book and I would highly recommend it. It has multiple life lessons and themes such as realizing your worth. Celie was abused mentally and physically for a good part of her life. She had self esteem issues and was very unsure of her self. Towards the end, Celie begins to realize her worth and what she is capable of. Celie is a strong woman who never gave up. And I feel as if that is a life lesson that should be recognized by anyone.

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